Relaxing and self-healing treatment. Unlike other massages, the person lies dressed on a specialized sound massage table. Bowls are placed on the body while the sound/vibration penetrates deep into our organs, tissues, cells, and body fluids.

Since our body consists of 70% water, the vibration spreads through the body, removes energy and emotional blockages, calms the nervous system, and gives room for natural self-healing of the body. We also aim to eliminate pain, neurological disorders, stress, insomnia, and the like. With a short consultation before the treatment, we determine the client's goal and intention, what will direct the treatment, and which elements I will apply.

Singing Bowls Massage according to Peter Hess Method

We share impressions after the treatment.

This exceptional holistic method is accepted in some countries as part of conventional medicine for the purpose of patient recovery. Peter Hess, who invented it and whose name it bears, is a physicist who followed an intuitive voice when applying the order and frequencies of bowls to parts of the body, he combined physics as a science here. So the method has its scientific basis. Also, during the treatment, the client and the practitioner stay in the same energy field, so in addition to the practical knowledge of using the bowl, energy and intuitive guidance are also important.

I am a licensed practitioner of the Peter Hess Academy, branch in Zagreb, and I use the Peter Hess therapeutic bowl during the treatments.