REI (meaning in Japanese) - spiritual, sacred, higher intelligence, spiritual wisdom, divine, divinely guided.
KI (meaning in Japanese) - energy, universal life energy, life force energy, vital energy, spirit, breath.
Today, Reiki translates as "intelligent universal life energy" or "spirit-driven healing cosmic energy." This shows that in Reiki the energy is guided by some innate higher intelligence, i.e. the innate intelligence of the body, being, and all existence. We are the channel for that healing energy, we do not heal.
We set the intention, desire, or goal of the treatment, open ourselves to this energy that permeates the universe flowing through us, and allow it to heal us or others according to the principle of "higher wisdom" that knows what is needed for us or another person.
Since the energy is not limited by time and place, I do Reiki treatments exclusively at a distance. In the comfort of your home, lie down with your eyes closed for half an hour in a quiet corner.
I also do targeted treatments for your pets remotely.